Leadership, Collaboration, Communication, Change Management, and Policy Considerations Hypertension (HTN) is when your blood pressure is consistently too high, measured through systolic (130 mmHg or higher) and diastolic (80 mmHg or higher) pressure (Iqbal & Jamal, 2023). This can strain your heart and blood vessels over time, leading to serious health issues like heart disease or stroke. There are several reasons causing hypertension, such as unhealthy food intake, physical inactivity, overweight/obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption, stress, genetics, age, other medical conditions like diabetes, and certain medications that raise blood pressure (Mills et al., 2020). Healthcare personnel can improve HTN concerns by evaluating leadership strategies, collaboration, change management, and relevant policies. The capstone project aims to explore one of the most prevalent health concerns of HTN and its potential consequences. Hypertension as a Patient Health Problem The capstone project focuses on a 55-year-old man, John Doe. He came to the clinic complaining of headache, dizziness, and fatigue; upon checkup, his blood pressure was shown to be 180mmHg/100mmHg. His spouse and children explained that his job demands excessive screening time, leading to sedentary lifestyle. Mr. John shows a tendency to be overweight, and potential factors of his HTN are an unhealthy lifestyle, job demands, and age factor. I spent two hours with Mr. John to discuss his health condition and evaluate potential risks affecting his health and quality of life. The purpose is to observe and evaluate factors contributing to his blood pressure, such as age, genetics, family history, or other possible factors. This capstone project will be an opportunity to identify significant contributors to Mr. John’s health condition improvement because this issue is relevant to my professional role. Relevance to Practice The HTN issue is highly relevant due to its prevalence and impact on life. In the US, 45.5% (108 million) of people have HTN concerns (Chobufo et al., 2020). This concern is slightly higher in men (45 to 69 age range), with a possible impact on the heart (stroke 54%, coronary heart 47%) and kidneys significantly. The HTN has a massive financial impact on patients as well; for instance, the annual mean average cost is $9089, which is $1920 more than people without hypertension. The financial impact is also liable to disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), which is 143 million, meaning HTN costs due to medical expenses and productivity loss (Asemu et al., 2021). With these concerning statistics, addressing HTN in adults through awareness and practical strategies, including policies and treatment, has become essential. A nurse-led intervention can help manage HTN through patient assessment, education, medication administration, collaborative care, follow-ups, and referrals (Stephen et al., 2022). As a nurse, I intend to help and empower Mr. John to overcome existing challenges and control his HTN condition. It allows the implementation of evidence-based pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions based on my knowledge and skills. Managing HTN and working with patients such as Mr. John can personally help me become empathetic and resilient, deepening my understanding of different perspectives. This project will enhance communication skills crucial for patient-centered care. Analysis of Evidence-Based Literature to Guide Nurses’ Actions Peer-reviewed literature provides valuable insights into evidence-based nursing actions related to hypertension, which can be effective for Mr. John’s condition. For example, a study by Verma et al. (2021), highlights that non-pharmacological modification can be used to manage hypertension, which includes reduced salt intake and consumption of alcohol and saturated fat. It also highlights strategies like time-restricted meals and yoga for HTN management. Another study by Hamrahian et al. (2022), highlights significant information and guidelines for nurses in terms of non-adherence to medication reasons and its negative financial impact on medical costs. The study mentions the chances of wrong diagnosis and doses and highlights the importance of awareness for long-term medication adherence at all phases of life. Evidence shows that educational intervention for patients has been effective due to awareness about lifestyle modifications and medication adherence to control HTN and reduce risks of cardiovascular diseases (Tam et al., 2020). Moreover, the collaborative care model is a practical approach nurses can use to improve HTN conditions in patients like Mr. John. The evidence demonstrates that the pharmacist-physician, nurse-patient, and other professionals are effective due to improved monitoring, follow-ups, adherence, and consistent care (Dixon et al., 2021). NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 1 Assessing the Problem Leade